Tuesday, December 20, 2016

"Bleecker Street" & East River Fog

Tune so Nice - Cocktail with Spice:
During the coldest time of the year it's wonderful to be able to create a cozy environment and cuddle up to your loved one(s). A feeling of joy sweeps over you as you're going through the linen closet and spot that particular blanket that has kept you comfort on many a winters night. Pine and cinnamon wafts across your nose as you light the candles from last season. For music a familiar duo will do. A melodic Batman and Robin if you will. Born and raised in the NYC area, Simon and Garfunkel were both touched by the city's magical, magnetic charm and you can certainly feel it in the song "Bleecker Street." The warm tone of vocal harmony and strummed acoustic guitar will certainly set the warm and cozy ambiance you're looking for. You've thoughtfully set out the English toffee, peanut brittle and biscoff cookies. You're almost set, yet there's still one more thing you remember that makes this all complete; the top hat to your snowman, the ribbon on your present or the star on your tree. You need a toasty warm beverage with all the winter spice to take this experience to a new paradigm.

"$30 pays your rent..."

East River Fog:
When those "New York winters are bleeding [you]," one of the best comforts to be had is a hot cup of cheer. As the fog rolls in off the East River bank and settles over Bleecker Street, it feels as though Creeping Death approaches the city. The only deliverance from this dreary chill must be that of ancient ritual. The lambs blood painted on your door is transposed into the scent of cloves and cinnamon in your apple cider. Hearing the gentle simmer begin, you know your spirits will soon be lifted. The ideal spirit to enliven you in this ceremony is the distinct characteristics of añejo tequila. To round out the imperious voices in this liquid poetry, you'll need a sacrament sized pat of (unsalted) butter. Stirring together the creamy, rich rhymes of this benediction in a mug deliver you from the shroud of gloom.

1.5 oz añejo tequila
6 oz apple cider mix*
1 tbsp (unsalted) butter
Garnish: candy cane

*Cider mix: Gently simmer 1 gallon apple cider with 10 cinnamon sticks and 2 oz whole cloves for 20 min or until fragrant. Take off heat. Add 2 cups orange juice (fresh squeezed if possible). Strain solids (grab a hot pad first).

We hope you cozied up with this song playing as you enjoyed this cocktail. 
Here's to all the forgotten folk music out there that still has a strong hold on our hearts when we let it in.

Cheers and Happy Holidays!
Henry & Jehiah

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Shhhh & Prince Alexander

The party vibe has dwindled, everyone is fast asleep, but you feel well dressed, alive and sexy. Now it's just the two of you, ready for a slow jam and a nice cocktail to bring you even closer together. You drop the needle on your favorite Prince album, squeak the cork off the cognac and light the candles. The sweltering chemistry in the room will be impossible to interrupt, making for the ideal 'Gold Experience'. Heavy breathing, touching and sipping ensue without hesitation. The cocktail sweats in a curvy, bulbous glass and the crackles from the vinyl act as fireworks in the surreal, dreamy background. Wailing guitar, floaty vocals and a steady rhythm section coax you further into this indulgent sensual seduction.
Prince Alexander
Deep ruby color of Port, sultry taste of Cognac, robust flavors of Chai and Earl Grey and the lingering sweetness of Vanilla bean and cream forge an experience unlike any other... One to remember... It coats... It stays with you... You won't ever want to interrupt the flow and will always be wanting more. A perfect sensual delight with many layers and a legacy of flavor that whispers music in your ear that will rock your world. When sipped it will break it on down into your private affair of captivating melodies from your wildest dreams. 

1.5 oz Cognac
.75 oz Ruby Port
.75 oz vanilla bean chai tea infused honey syrup*
1 oz cream
Garnish with nutmeg

*Honey Syrup infusion
Steep 4 tea bags of vanilla bean chai tea in 6 ounces of hot water for 15 min. Discard tea bags. Pour 6 ounces of honey into the warm tea and stir until honey is dissolved.

Pour Cognac, Ruby Port and honey syrup into a shaker. Add ice. Shake (or thrust) and strain into a coupe or snifter. In a clean shaker add 1 oz cream. Put the spring from your hawthorne strainer into the shaker and procreatively shake. Strain cream over the back of a spoon on top of the cocktail. Garnish with nutmeg.

Here's to the late and great Prince. Your music will always influence the music of this world to come.
You are missed. 



Saturday, November 12, 2016

Razorback and Damage inc.

Thirty years ago the album "Master of Puppets" was released. Next week Metallica will be releasing their latest album "Hardwired... to Self-Destruct." When "Master of Puppets" was released, Metallica was staying true to themselves, "following [their] instinct, not a trend" and playing music that, at the time, was unlike anyone had ever heard. The band would go on stage with no makeup or costume (which was the trend in the 80's) and "go against the grain until the end." With the albums driving, virtuosic music and drug addled mind control lyrics, it drew praise from critics outside the metal community. The album is considered the band's strongest effort of the period and is one of the most influential heavy metal albums. Metallica did some damage to what the public knew as metal. We are excited about the new album coming out next week and wanted to pick a song from "Master of Puppets"to celebrate 30 years of kickin' ass and to welcome the new record.

"Damage Inc." begins with an ominous series of reversed bass chords based on the chorale prelude of Bach's "Come Sweet Death." The song then plunges into a rapid rhythm with a pedal point riff in E. The whiplash tempo, face melting guitar riffs and the lyrics in the chorus "blood will follow blood" might get your mind in the alcohol will follow alcohol mood. What adult beverage should be present while listening to the intense, complex ideas?...

Cut deep by something held so dear, blood follows blood flowing down your throat as the double kick cracks like an M-60 bringing death, destruction and damage. "Sight and smell of this, it gets me goin'..." At first glance this cocktail is toxic green with a bloody underbelly. Upon listening, this 1986 ripper has demanding vocals that pierce your ears whilst the needle spines of the cacti tickle your nose as you sip the glowing green concoction. Like coal to a freight train, the Razorback gives you that which you desire, fuel & fire!! Into the pit you go with inhibitions tossed aside and fervor for the 4 individuals on stage you've not felt for any other band. After all, this is Metallica. The original Bay Area thrashers. The Four Horsemen.

Whole ice

2 oz Smirnoff Vodka
.75 oz cactus juice
2 brandied cherries
2 lemon wedges
1 cube sugar
.25 oz Herbsaint

Damaged ice

Place lemon wedges, cherries, cactus juice, sugar, Herbsaint into your favorite jar, because it's more metal to drink out of mason jars. Muddle those together with your best bludgeoner. Add vodka then damage some ice and throw it in. Garnish with a spike filled cactus leaf. Give it a pinky finger stir, lick the excess and enjoy. 
"Go against the grain until the end"

Rage on fuckerz!!

Big thanks to Moxie for turning our post up to 11 with her fire!!
IG: @maybemoxie

Cheers guys! See you in the pit! 
Henry & Jehiah 

Friday, January 29, 2016

Lemmy and "Ace of Spades"

Hit or Split
You've been up, you've been down. The rollercoaster of monetary emotion is unnerving. You've put it all on this hand just to get it over with. The steady hum of chatter and slot machines is almost meditative as you look at your hand. Two fives... What to do? Split this hand and take two chances on winning with a 15 or reach into your pocket and pull out the money, that was going to get you home, to double down and come out ahead? Sitting at the felt table, the smooth texture feels calming on your finger tips as you mill over your options. The other players are getting impatient. Just as you're about to turn your cards up to ask for a second hand, you hear a raspy British voice that feels almost like a quiet, all knowing angel on your shoulder. It instructs you... "double down, mate". Not knowing exactly who or where the voice came from you quiver as you reach into your pocket to double your bet and ask for one more card. Your heart jumps into your throat as the card flies across the table like a B-52 bomber and hits the felt at 126 decibels. To your unbelieving eyes you look down and see nothing other than the ace of spades...
King of Kings
As the dealer slides your mountain of chips across the table, you collect yourself. With a huge grin, you wonder where the expert wisdom came from. You soon realize that the voice wasn't in your head. Quickly, you whirl around to see a man adorned in a World War II era hat who has a woman on each arm. He has thick mutton chops, he's smoking a cigarette and is holding a tumbler of what appears to be whiskey. Rock n Roll embodied. You want to thank him, but you don't know how. "I just wanted to say thank you for telling me to double down... can I get you a drink?" He replies after exhaling a drag of his cigarette, "it was the Ace of Spades that saved ya, mate. Not me. I like a Jack and Coke now and then." "Sure thing!" you exclaim. "Can I get your name?"...
Infinitely famous the world over but made only in Lynchburg, Tennessee, Jack Daniel's delivers the wonderful balance of a spirit mellowed through sugar maple charcoal. Coca-Cola or "Coke" provides the sweet notes of vanilla, cinnamon and nutmeg. Together, they're effervescent like the vibrancy of Rock 'n' Roll. Why not add a little citrus? Enter lemon peel, stage left. Like the exuberance of Lemmy along with the quiet desperation that is the English way, the Jack & Coke is the perfect gambling buddy.

2 oz Jack Daniels
4 oz Coca-cola
2 dashes bitters
lemon twist

Order from your favorite cocktail waitress as your having a cig and betting twenty on black.
Make sure to throw your waitress a chip or five.

Everything Louder Than Everything Else
Crunchy, greasy, punky, bluesy, gutsy Rock 'n' Roll... that was Motörhead. It didn't matter if you were a punker, a metal head or a blues guy. Motörhead played something for everyone. The band is often considered a precursor to, or one of the earliest members of, the New Wave of British Heavy Metal, which re-energized heavy metal in the late 1970's and early 1980's. Despite this, founding member and frontman, 'Lemmy' always dubbed their music as simply "Rock 'n' Roll". They played LOUD, they played mean, and most of all, they played with heart. With lyrics covering everything from war, good vs evil, abuse of power, promiscuous sex, substance abuse and, most famously, gambling, they were the absolute epitome of Sex, Drugs and Rock 'n' Roll. Known to produce no less than 126 decibels in their live performances, Motörhead's music not only reached eardrums far and wide, but aspiring musicians as well. They released 23 studio albums, influencing bands including, but not limited to, Metallica, Guns 'n Roses and Foo Fighters.
Born to Lose... Lived to Win
Born Ian Fraser Kilmister, but known to the world as simply 'Lemmy', he was an English musician, singer and songwriter who founded and fronted the rock band, Motörhead. He was known for his appearance (including his friendly mutton chops) and his distinctive gravelly voice. When people think of having a drink for Lemmy, Jack Daniel's is the go-to. He was rarely seen without a glass of the Tennessee spirit, and one or more women in tow. Whether you're doubling down at the Black Jack table, playing all 3 lines on the one armed bandit, shooting craps or putting it all on black, gambling also comes to mind wherever Motörhead can be heard. One card in particular, the Ace of Spades was the subject of their biggest hit. Whiskey and Rock 'n' Roll have always gone hand in hand. So we decided to honor Motörhead's 40 year legacy and the kick ass, speed & whiskey addled, lady lovin' life that Lemmy lived, with an ice cold glass of Jack Daniel's. Cheers, Lemmy...

We dedicate this Motörhead influenced blog to the late, great Ian "Lemmy" Kilmister. He lived Rock 'n' Roll like nobody could. 40 years wasn't nearly enough music, but we're glad he gave us everything he did. 
This one's for you, Lemmy. 
Cheers, mate!!

We apologize for the hiatus, and we're thrilled to make a strong comeback!! So we suggest that you turn this one up to 11 and rock until the sun comes up. Eat the Rich!

Henry & Jehiah